New Patient Visit
- This visit includes a brief exam and consultation followed by treatment. A treatment plan may be discussed after this session
- Length is 1 Hr. 30 Min
- $250.00 is the cost
Brief Session
- Designed for follow up visits that require minimal laser treatment or adjustment. May take up to 15 minutes. Examples of conditions in this category are bone fractures, bone spurs, brain injuries, tumors, learning disabilities, post-surgical healing, burn and wound healing, to name a few.
- Length is 15 Min
- $50.00 is the cost
Complete Session up to 30 minutes
- This session includes examining and treating the four major causes of dysfunction; structural imbalance, bio-chemical imbalance, emotional imbalance, and infective organisms. This session may take up to 30 minutes.
- Length is 30 Min
- $100.00 is the cost
Custom Session up to 1 hour
- This session is designed for those with advanced or complicated challenges in life. It may include re-programming thought patterns, elimination of fears and phobias, trauma conversions, success treatments, and many more life changing methods. This session may take up to 1 hour.
- Length is 1 hour
- $200.00 is the cost
2 Hour Session
- This session is only available with the doctors consent.
- Length is 2 hour
- $400.00 is the cost
Environmental Sensitivity Elimination
- For explanation see F.A.Q’s on BSET
- Length is 1 hour
- $300.00 is the cost
Food Sensitivity Elimination
- For explanation see F.A.Q’s on BSET
- Length is 1 hour
- $300.00 is the cost
Endocrine Balancing
- Body weight issues, memory problems, learning disabilities, Sexual dysfunction, personality disorders, infertility, menstruation issues, on and on and on. The myriad of problems related to endocrine imbalance is astounding! This treatment clears out the receptor sites for your neuro-transmitters and hormones allowing us to re-set the system. This accomplished, the doctor can evaluate and correct whichever gland is at the root of the imbalance.
- Length is 1 hour
- $250.00 is the cost
EB305: Cellular Detox
(Woodlands/Conroe Office only)
- There are five major organs involved in detoxification of the human body: liver, kidney, lung, lymphatic, and skin. Each of these is worthy of a detoxification program with the change of each season. However, there is an issue with detoxification of the cell itself that has gone mostly un-attended to. Until now! The EB305 is a cutting edge professional device designed to assist in cellular detoxification. To know how it works just click the link. In this case, experience is the only way to go! Try one session and you will never again doubt what technology can do for you!
- Length is 45 min
- $45.00 is the cost
Couples/Mastermind Treatment
- This dynamic treatment was introduced to me by Dr. John Brimhall. As he explained, there are underlying tensions between people that they are not aware of. These tensions are the result of a life time of experiences that have created “identifiers” in our sub-conscious minds. It may be a facial expression, a tone of voice, a body posture, even a word used by another person that “triggers” our defense mechanisms into action! We can not operate on offence and defense at the same time. We only move forward when on offense. This dynamic treatment eliminates those tensions and re-trains the individuals to perform at a significantly higher level than ever before! Once on the same offensive team, there are no limits! Marriages have been saved, engagements and relationships rescued, think tanks turned into master minds, and profits catapulted, all due to the dynamic couples/master-mind treatment.
- Length is 1 hour 30 min
- $300.00 is the cost
Stress Buster
- This is a “shotgun” approach to emotional stress relief. The doctor will rapidly clear each of the five centers, as well as the organs of emotional stress. Note that this is not an in depth session, the tags and reasons for the stress will not be explored in this treatment. This is a fantastic way to start a vacation, begin or end a project, or just preserve your sanity!
- Length is 30 min
- $100.00 is the cost